In this Issue: Welcome, Virtual Research Poster Presentation, Community and Service Learning go Virtual, APENS Update, NCPEID's Legacy, Update on Research, Call for Nominations, Call for Awards, and more.
Message from the President
Michelle Grenier, Ph.D., University of New Hampshire

On behalf of the National Consortium for Physical Education for Individuals with Disabilities (NCPEID) Board of Directors (BOD), we hope that you, your family, friends, colleagues, and students are safe and well, particularly during this challenging time. Our current climate requires leadership, advocacy, and innovation; and the NCPEID organization is sensitive to the concerns we, as educators, are facing.
While 2020 was a challenging year for all of us, NCPEID would be remiss not to highlight the generous work of our members, whose support has been unfaltering. We saw our BOD come together to create the virtual event, “Consortium Conversations.” We have continued to advocate for individuals with disabilities during COVID with directed efforts towards school systems in supporting physical education services for students with disabilities. We have continued to work with the APENS Committee streamlining the exam application process. We continue to grow and curate our resources on the webpage and are creating a format for queries regarding services, resources, and job opportunities for our membership.
This issue of the Advocate provides evidence of our efforts to support our membership. First off, we are excited to announce our first ever VIRTUAL POSTER CONFERENCE to be held on Thursday and Friday, February 25th and 26th. With 30 presenters, the conference will offer attendees the opportunity to engage with faculty and graduate students across a range of disciplines. Each day will begin with a social hour where attendees can get acquainted or catch-up with colleagues and friends. We’re excited by what we’ve put together, and hope you’ll join us and spread the word.
Also in this issue, Drs. Josephine Balgrave, Melissa Bittner, and Amanda Young share how their programs continue to provide physical activity experiences for students with disabilities and their families through virtual programming at each of their respective institutions.
Amy Oliver and Mason Sur, our student representatives, showcase the work of NCPEID's BOD by providing a synopsis of recently published work. This issue also highlights a recent PALAESTRA publication that chronicles NCPEID's influence on legislative initiatives and professional development in APE, while shedding light on current issues facing the profession.
Exciting news is also included regarding APENS from Melissa Bittner, our membership chair, and Dr. Tim Davis, our APENS Chair, on forthcoming videos designed to enhance learning components of APENS to generate interest and access to exam content.
NCPEID continues to advocate for appropriate educational programs for individuals with disabilities, their families and caregivers, and the educators who serve them. Likewise, NCPEID leadership will continue to support its members and advocate for legislative actions, professional preparation, and practice in higher education and at the K-12 level. If you are not a current member, please consider joining today. If you are a member and would like to be more actively involved in the organization, we welcome your talents and skills. Please consider becoming a leader. Our call for nominations is highlighted below.
Be well, remain optimistic, and stay healthy.
Michelle Grenier, Ph.D., CAPE
President (2020-2022)
Board of Directors Update
Erin A. Siebert, Ph.D., MPH, San Jose State University
Hello to all from the NCPEID Board of Directors (BOD). One of the top priorities for the BOD is to focus on Strategic Priority 3: Provide Meaningful Information and Resources to Key Stakeholders that Support the Advancement of APE/APA. Check out some of the resources on the website. A special thanks to Mason Sur for his work with the website.
In other news, the BOD has finalized the dates for NCPEID’s Virtual Poster Session to be held Thursday and Friday, February 25th & 26th. Keep an eye out for more below.
Community & Service-Learning Programs Go Virtual
Josephine Blagrave, Ph.D., California State University, Chico
Amanda Young, Ph.D., Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania
Melissa Bittner, Ph.D., California State University, Long beach
Children and adults with disabilities have struggled with access to physical activity programs during the COVID-19 pandemic. For university practicums that serve individuals with disabilities using student support, this has meant a shift away from more traditional approaches and the need for program instructors and faculty to think outside the box with service delivery models. READ MORE.
Timothy D. Davis, Ph.D., SUNY Cortland
Melissa Bittner, Ph.D., CSU, Long Beach
The APENS Committee and the NCPEID are pleased to announce the APENS National Exam is now available ONLINE! Please visit the
NCPEID is creating a series of four webinars on the APENS Framework. Targeted presentations will be on (a) Scientific Foundation, (b) Planning and Implementation, (c) Behavior and Education Foundation, and (d) Professional Development. These presentations will be approximately one hour in length and feature a professional in adapted physical education (APE) higher education and a teacher in the field. READ MORE.
Suzanna Rocco-Dillan, Ph.D., Texas Woman's University
Given the number of individuals who continue to reach out about challenges in the public schools and the ongoing confusion about APE service delivery, the Advocacy Committee has decided that it was in our best interest to make an NCPEID position statement regarding APE services targeted towards administrators. READ MORE.
Advocacy has been central to the advancement of the adapted physical education (APE) profession in the United States, and the National Consortium for Physical Education for Individuals with Disabilities (NCPEID) has been the primary professional organization dedicated to advocating for APE. Over the past five decades, NCPEID has influenced legislative initiatives and professional development in APE. This paper provides a historical perspective on these activities and sheds light on current issues facing the profession. READ MORE.
The National Consortium for Physical Education for Individuals with Disabilities (NCPEID) is announcing the Virtual Poster Sessions on Thursday, February 25 @ 7pm ET (6:15 p.m. social) and Friday, February 26 @ 5 pm ET (4:15 p.m. social) 2021.
The virtual poster sessions will provide an opportunity for NCPEID members to engage with the exciting, recent research in the field of adapted physical education and adapted physical activity. These sessions will replicate the more informal and personal experience of an in-person poster session by connecting researchers with the audience during designated times. READ MORE.
Recent NCPEID Professional Publications
Amy Oliver, Indiana University Purdue University of Indianapolis
Mason Sur, Georgia State University
NCPEID BOD members have been busy with research in the areas of motor development and assessment, advocacy, adapted physical activity, adapted physical education, and disability sports. We are proud of the work they are doing and the strength of their publications. READ MORE.
Emily Gilbert, Ph.D., SUNY-Cortland
Know someone deserving of an award? Consider nominating your colleagues for a NCPEID Award. These include The Hollis Fait Scholarly Contribution Award, The Congressional Award, The William A. Hillman Distinguished Service Award, and The David P. Beaver APA Professional Young Scholar Award. To see a full description READ MORE.
Nicole Kirk, Ph.D., University of Georgia
The Board of Directors is pleased to announce that the call for nominations to the NCPEID Executive Committee, Board of Directors, and APENS committee will open March 1st and run through April 1st, 2021. All candidates must be NCPEID members in good standing. Those interested in running may self-nominate or may be nominated by a colleague. Details regarding qualifications for and responsibilities of each position may be found in the NCPEID bylaws.
The following positions will be open to nominations:
Executive Committee:
Board of Directors:
- Member at Large (2 positions available)
- Student Representative
- Research Consortium Chair
- Historian
APENS Committee:
Online voting will run from April 15th to May 1st. Election results will be announced on May 15th, 2021.
To view position responsibilities, READ MORE.
- Thu Feb 25, 2021, NCPEID Virtual Poster Presentation
- Fri Feb 26, 2021, NCPEID Virtual Poster Presentation
- Mon Apr 12, 2021, NCPEID 2021 Conference Call for Proposal Closes
- Sat May 15, 2021, NCPEID Conference Notification
- Thur-Sun July 1-3, 2021 Annual NCPEID Conference