CAPE Initial Certification

Before you apply, please read the page carefully.

Why Become Certified?

There are many reasons for a professional serving individuals with disabilities in physical education or physical activity to seek national certification in adapted physical education. There are multiple benefits that come from achieving CAPE recognition: 

  • Professional Growth: The process typically leads to a review and new knowledge through studying content in preparation for the exam.

  • Job Qualification: In some states individuals will gain an endorsement in APE with successful achievement of the APENS process. 

  • Obtaining a Job: Having achieved the APENS process, elevates the professionals marketable value when searching for a position above the peers without the credential. 

  • NetworkingThe new CAPE receives 1 free year of membership to the NCPEID organization offering opportunities to collaborate with the leaders and future leaders in the field of APE and APA. 

  • Continued Education: The new CAPE receives 1 free year of the PALAESTRA magazine, supporting the professional to stay current in the trends and research related to APE and APA. 

  • Validates Expertise: The CAPE post-nominal letters are awarded to the professional and validates their work to parents, colleagues, administrators, and students. There is an elevated level of respect and value that comes with the letters following their name.  

  • Advances the Field: As more professionals earn the CAPE credential, local education agencies take notice which strengthens the field to make further gains throughout the Country and improves job security. 

Who Can Become Certified?

Persons who are eligible to become a CAPE fall into two categories:

  • Physical Education and Adapted Physical Education Practitioners

Apply for Practitioner CAPE Initial Certification
  • Higher Education Faculty/Personnel 

Apply for Higher Education CAPE Initial Certification 

Though each of the above categories has specific definitions and requires proof of certain qualifications, all candidates applying to earn initial CAPE Certification MUST take and pass the APENS exam. Please be advised that all portions of the application must be completed online at one time so please be sure to have all of your information and needed documentation available before you begin the application. The application cannot be saved and returned at a later date. Candidates applying to become a nationally certified adapted physical educator (CAPE) must meet the following criteria established by the APENS Board of Directors.

Eligibility Criteria for Physical Education and Adapted Physical Education Practitioners

Candidates applying for the national CAPE certification must meet the following criteria established by the NCPEID Board of Directors. 

  1. Bachelor's degree with a major in Physical Education or equivalent (e.g., Sport Science, Kinesiology, etc.).
  2. A minimum of *twelve semester hours (credits) specifically addressing the educational needs of individuals with disabilities. It is required that nine semester hours (credits) be specific to the area of adapted physical education or meet the following criteria:
    1. Satisfactory completion of a minimum of 9 credits in APE coursework and 3 credits of coursework from a related field (e.g., special education, speech, OT, PT, recreation, psychology) as documented with official college/university transcripts.
  3. A minimum of 200 hours of documented experience providing physical education instruction to individuals with disabilities.
  4. A current valid teaching certificate in physical education.

Eligibility Criteria for Higher Education Faculty/Personnel

Candidates applying for the national CAPE certification must meet the following criteria established by the NCPEID Board of Directors.

      1. Graduate degree with documented evidence of meeting the following criteria:

a. Major in physical education, adapted physical education, adapted physical activity, special education, or a related area in a graduate program.

b. Completion of a minimum of 15 credit hours of coursework specific to adapted physical education across undergraduate and graduate degrees.

c.Record of a minimum of 2 years of experience in higher education.

d. Evidence of being the instructor of record for a minimum of 15 credit hours teaching the area of adapted physical education and/or supervising college/university students in practica, internships, and/or student teaching related to the direct instruction of students with disabilities in physical education environments (e.g., school environments, disability sports programs, adapted physical activity service-learning programs).

If you have any questions concerning the various applications or eligibility criteria, please contact APENS at (607) 753-4969 or email us at [email protected].

Eligible applicants will be scheduled to take the APENS examination online on the date of their choosing (2-hour exam block).  If applicants need accommodations, they should indicate the needed accommodations in the application and/or contact APENS at (607) 753-4969 or at [email protected].

Apply for Practitioner CAPE Initial Certification 
Apply for Higher Education CAPE Initial Certification